Picture coming to work after an amazing weekend filled with plenty of fun and plenty of R&R only to discover that all of your to-dos are DONE.
All the errands you had to run—DONE.
All the admin tasks you were dreading—DONE.
All the tedious charts and analyses and spreadsheets—DONE, DONE and DONE.
This is not out of the realm for your business, believe it or not. In fact, it’s how some of the most successful real estate companies function every single day.
If tasks like this were off of your list for good, wouldn’t you have much more time to work on your business instead of in your business?
The smartest, most strategic and most effective way to grow your business is to get out from under it—in other words, to not do everything on your own. If you’re running around doing mundane tasks with little impact and no direct tie to dollars, you’re wasting your time. As the business owner, you must focus on the interactive, strategic, and creative aspects of your work – the high leverage activities that only YOU can do.
Everything else should be delegated.
The first step? Get a virtual assistant and start outsourcing your daily tasks. It's a growing trend with real estate investors and entrepreneurs, and with good cause. Hiring a qualified, hands-on VA can increase your productivity by 10x, 100x or more. Really, who wouldn't want that? And, more importantly, who couldn't benefit from that?
So what’s keeping many business owners from pulling the trigger? Most people have trouble handling the hiring process.
And I get it—I wasn’t always an A+ hiring manager. Who you hire can have an enormous impact on your business, for better or for worse. Bringing the wrong person on board can have detrimental effects on your business now and in the future. Trusting someone who’s under qualified or has malicious intent can stall—or even destroy—your business.
While that’s scary, it’s no reason to bury your head in the sand and stay a solopreneur forever.
The smart thing to do? Become a better hiring manager. And don’t worry, it’s actually a lot easier than it sounds…
Save yourself from endless stress and confusion by hiring the right person