I don't have anymore Ca properties but the Santa Clara Farmer's office underwrites an apartment building in coastal wa. I got a letter jacking up my rate considerably and it went on to state that I would not be renewed for 2025. The property was close to the ocean and a forested area, so flood and fire hazard, they said.
So I went looking for a new company with no success. I then located the property with GPS and was able to demonstrate that the flood and fire risk was not valid. They said the building would need to be updated for plumbing and electrical as it was 65 years old.
They gave me a punch list of items which we completed and agreed to an inspection which only took place on paper.
Long story short, my rate was knocked back to 2023 and policy will be renewed. They never reviewed any plumbing issues, the electrical fixes were very sane and affected safety. All for fixing safety!
We spent 5-6k total. Key was getting them to the table and providing us a list of todos.
We are with Farmers, but I don't think that matters. All the best!