@Jon Schwartz I've had good experience with CMHA, though they arent easy to deal with, but what govt entity is. Think theyre rates are slightly less than market, but you are getting payments guaranteed and not needing to follow up on that.
Disagree with some of the comments on here. They have the initial inspection and then annual inspections where they will flag things needing to be fixed by the tenant and then by the owner. I've been flagged for items as small as a cracked outlet cover, but as a tax payer I find this level of inspection encouraging of the program and CMHA won't let the property go into deferred maintenance with one of their tenants living there. And this holds the tenant accountable as well vs. my non-Section 8 tenants. This is all vs. a paying tenant that will not tell you when something breaks and lets it sit for however long and then also have to chase the tenants for rent each month. So depending on the area you are investing in; would you benefit from a govt entity also helping to keep your property/tenant in line or go at it solo?