@Tony Gonzalez
Just curious, are you looking for multis in Jersey City or vicinity?
I really encourage you and your fiancee to buckle down and save $ first. I know no one wants to hear (read) that and could be somewhat unpopular with folks that do no or low money deals.
Assuming that you already have 3-6 months of emergency savings already (in case of job loss, medical stuff, whatever...stuff happens), you might want to save some more $ to act as reserves for your future investment. Even if you do no or low money down deals, you will need some sort of $ in reserves in case of repairs, etc. Especially, if you're going to have tenants. You might be able to live with a drippy faucet in your unit, but maybe your tenant might not. That's just a simple example.
Even if you buy turn-key or new construction - who knows...repairs might be needed due to accidents, not necessarily age of property. Accidents can happen the day after you close, or 3 months down the road.
I've heard of kids flushing toys down the toilet.
My upstairs neighbor was filling her bathroom sink up to wash a sweater one night (fancy sweater, I guess) - she turned on the faucet, sat down in front of the TV to wait until the water filled up, forgot about it and guess who found water streaming out of the medicine cabinet? Yep, yours truly.