@Andrew C.
Hi neighbor!
I understand the desire to invest out-of-state because the cost of entry where we live can be quite prohibitive. It can be done - maybe not in Forest Hills where we are, but listen to Podcast #107 with Jonathan Makovsky (who has an enviable amount of energy!) - he made it work with a partner (from BP!) in Riverdale, Bronx. We had very close friends up there, some of them have since to moved to Austin.
That said - I would NOT recommend investing out-of-state sight unseen. I've done it. It was my 1st and it was unforgettable, like all firsts should be. However, this is the kind of unforgettable that is much like natural child birth, but with no baby to show for it. I was a total newbie (still am years down the road) who made a bad and ill-informed judgement on an investment that raises my heart rate and blood pressure every time I think about it.
Yes, the pictures were so, so nice. All the comps, all the demographics and neighborhood info, all the pro-formas, all the promises of support after closing (just a phone call or email away!). A while after closing, reality hit home and what was a well-qualified tenant became a nightmare, the rehab that looked so pretty in pictures and videos were shabby, etc.
We still have it. We are underwater. So underwater, we know the ocean floor like the back of our hands. There is really nothing to do (we are not willing to ding our credit - both of our FICOs being above 800).
Now...having somewhat told that story...we still invest out-of-state. But we now do it where we have family, we go visit a lot so we've gotten to know the neighborhoods and communities, we will retire there and we have a wonderful broker/pm who is also an investor. Even though we are a flight away (short 1 hr flight), we have people that we trust/are experienced look at the properties, vet the community, walk the neighborhood. If they say yes/maybe, then we fly down and see. And when we go down, we look at 6 properties/day - that's about all I can do in one day. That has been working out well, so far.
I don't want to discourage you to take the leap. I think you should,but vet any company that you are thinking about working with and keep your eyes wide open. I think there are some really reputable turn-key companies on BP. Ask around and at the end of the day, I still say you would need to make an initial trip out to your target market and just browse/drive/walk around.
Best of luck!