Just throwing in my two cents about wage garnishments, since I handle those for my company.
Garnishment laws vary by state, but in general the court will send the order to the employer of record a week or two after the judgment date. The order has a return date on it, usually 90-120 days out, when the next hearing will take place.
If the debtor still works for the employer, you're in luck, and the employer withholds 25% of disposable wages each pay period until either the debt is paid, or the return date arrives, whichever happens first. At that point the employer sends a check to the court of everything that has been withheld to date.
After the second hearing, the court will give you whatever the employer was able to withhold, so it will be several months before you see any funds come back. If the debtor still owes you more, you will have to re-file for a continued garnishment. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Good luck, and let us know how things work out!