If you have a specific request, I'll be happy to send a CA/NCND, and full financials proving whatever market you have an interest in. As it stands, I've stated and proved my position using sold listings, as well as currently listed properties. Remind me one more time why you're so interested in this infornation?
Furthermore, the OP was in regards to assistance in finding properties for purchase. As you haven't listed a license, nor reside in any of the three markets mentioned by the OP, how can you in any way assist? From your actions tonight, I have to assume you are just a crotchedy retiree with nothing better to do than pick a fight over a market several hundred miles from your stated home base.
And for the record, FOR A CLIENT, no, I would not be establishing market CAP just from "declared NOI and listing [sales] price".
If a client has an interest in an asset, sales comps (no older than 90 days) are pulled showing sales price, rent rolls, & P&Ls, to determine CAP. Said CAP is then put against current NOI for the given asset determining whether or not the asset of interest is within current market parameters. If it isn't, either a below list offer is made, or it's back to searching for a suitable potential property.
You, however, are NOT a client, you have no intention of purchasing a property (Do you work for free?), plus we're on a holiday, on the tail end of a holiday weekend!
As it stands, I have provided you metrics from three Realtor's associations, true listings, both current and sold, and given you a breakdown on two of my personal properties.
I don't know what else I can do to humour you, nor do I care. Have a good night.