@Garan Kama
There may be an advantage to an "investor's realtor" but I've used a guy I get along with that doesn't understand investing. He's willing to put in any number of offers at my price and knows the unique things I ask for that buyers will pay for in Vegas. (HOA xfer fees, HOA capital contributions, appraisals, and a few other simple checkboxes.) I told him set up a filter for 1800sf+ house, 20 years or newer, 2+ garage 3+ bed 2+ bath. That really narrows down our small market fast.
I invest exclusively north of 95, west of 15. All but a couple are south of 215 and only one is west of 95.
Northeast is “rougher”, east is older. Southwest has almost all been built in the last few years. New to me.
It’s definitely gotten tougher. You may want to check out a list of DOM over 90 days as anything decent should have sold or at least gotten an offer in 30 days or less. Maybe they just priced it too high, could just be dirty dark and smelly.
Let me know if you come to town sometime and want to talk real estate over a pizza or BBQ ribs.