Originally posted by @Michael Franklin:
@Barbara G.
Final thought: If you have to include tax savings and loan pay-down, and exclude PM expenses and reserves to make the numbers look better, it's too thin.
How thin is this ???
If the rent from these 2 duplexes is $4,400 a month (and going up) and the expenses are $2,200 (with a $200 a month reserve for Maintanence and no PM) How am I losing money?? The 2 duplexes cost $332,000.
I am renovating out of my positive cash flow. In Feb of 2016 (5 more months) I will no longer be spending any more on renovation. My renovations will be complete with all new Kitchens and new Baths and 2 new roofs +. I will be cash flowing $2,200 a month + Tax Saving and + pay down of Principal (now $4,000 a year). In addition I will have a property with all new appliances, new roofs, new fronts and will have improved my property over $50,000.
How am I losing money here? Maybe $22,000 profit a year (_+ tax savings and pay down of principal ) is too thin for you but its not too thin for me.