Well it did not have the desired ending. We finished thte project. My son was my partner and he did all of the plumbing which was extensive. All the pipes had burst in the house. My son is also a building inspector as his full time job. We rented the 2 apartments for $1,000 an apartment. The apartments were perfect and everything was new. The street was bad as it had too much traffic. Don't buy on a busy street
My son did all the managing of our 5 houses and did all the sub contracting of this house and all the houses. Everytime there was a toilet problem he atrended to it. Door bells had to be fixed, locks had to be changed, new bathrooms put in. He did it all.
He decided that the work involved and the time involved was too consuming. We attended to all pronlems immediatly. Our tenants loved us.
We are in the midst of selling off our properties. We have an offer on this house and we will take it and it will give us profit on the adventure but figuring the work and the time involved we feel it was not worth the adventure. All the houses are very salable. Lots of people are interested because our houses are all now in excellent condition due to our work and up keep and repairs and improvements. There is profit to be made on all of them but we would not do it again.
Maybe a flip in the future but no more rentals
Thanks for your interest and I thought I should update you all.