@Steve Vaughan Thanks for the detailed info - you sound like a half-accountant at least.
I know tax issues make most people sleepy, but I also think that - if well explained - it can turn the conversation, as it's ultimately about saving dollar bills, and everyone can relate to that.
Some folks I talk to are very much not into hearing about taxes, and for some sellers I was thinking of making a small, basic well-designed sheet that shows two or three ways of configuring the carry, with each one clearly showing the dollar savings at the bottom. In this way, whether the seller enjoyed numbers or not, the message still gets through loud and clear - dollars are dollars, and folks seem to like them lots.
To me, it's a presentation issue, like a lot of things in life, and presentation (framing) really counts. In other professions, I have had to present complex and boring subjects to people who did not think they cared at all, and this mindset held true - until I showed them what they *did* care about, and how it was related to the matter at hand.
@Kim Handelman I see you're an art director, that's awesome! Perhaps you can pretend the seller is a grouchy client who insists on Comic Sans. lol, right?