@Becky Lu
In addition to your LLC, I would HIGHLY encourage you to get at least a $2M umbrella. it is peanuts cost wise compared to the protection you get. you don't need to be a millionaire to be sued for a million bucks. I have seen it happen with rental properties car accidents where people are put in the hospital and rack up $700,000 in medical bills like that! Which does NOT include other things you can be sued for, such as wages lost, state law regulations (check local wrongful death statutes), physical therapy, litigation fees, etc. I have a large umbrella policy and 1 rental house. Even if you had no rental properties, I would still recommend EVERYONE have an umbrella of a MINIMUM $1M. Sorry to be so adamant but I have seen a lot of really bad things happen to good people where they lost everything and have their lives turned upside down by not having this added layer of protection.
@Becky LuGood luck and congrats on your success with your properties! I hope to be there someday too!