@Basit Siddiqi exact reason I became a realtor because 90% of realtors didn’t want to waste their time on me with my low price houses I was shopping for, my low ball offers I present, this is why I became a realtor to do my offers because for some reason when I call a realtor and tell them what I want to offer they right away say send me an offer, wasting my time! So I send them a stupid offer which then makes the realtor get off his chair and send it to their client big waste of time, but that’s the system, I do 10-15 offers a day I run 20-40 Comps a day so @Dustin Allen are you willing to do that for me? For a $50k/$70k house???? I don’t think so. I’ve been in RE all my life basically and 90% not all but 90% are in it for the fat commissions. Half of the realtors when I call them and ask if their client would accept a land contract they do not even know what a land contract is, they ask me if I’m pre-approved! Really? I then blow their mind when I say yes if your client approves a land contract then I’m pre-approved, the point I’m trying to get across is investors are a small group of ppl buying RE compared to the end users buying at regular circumstances, mortgage, escrow, inspection, etc….. so for me to be efficient and do my business fast, easy, relaxing I became a realtor myself, it’s still Hard cause I have 2 or 3 realtors a week that only sell million dollar houses and ended up helping a friend sell a low priced rental area home and fumble at ever process or question I throw at them.