I have found that no matter what these studies and surveys say- if you want to invest in a market outside of your own then you need to go there and spend a significant amount of time in that market. Everyone invests for different reasons (cashflow, appreciation, etc). And everyone has a different risk tolerance. The top 10 MSA's tend to be ones I avoid as they are already way over priced and very competitive. I listened to a podcast the other day where a very experienced investor was slamming an are in TN based on crime rate and saying how no one should invest there and I know a guy that owns TONS of apartment buildings in the area and is absolutely killing it on cash flow and loves the area for investing. So while growth in the area is important and I do believe all these studies are great and can give you some guidance I still feel like you have to explore. I had a coach once that kept it very simple: April - where do you like to travel to? Where do you travel to often? You will have to go check on your buildings so think of markets you like to go to. So I did... my parents live in FL, my sister lives in NC... I travel there all the time. There are a ton of sub markets within these MSAs... so I fly there, spend some time with family and go to the local REIA meetings and I am just relentless about asking people for information on different areas in their submarket. None of these studies, calculations, or surveys be able to even come close to being able to give you the insight that boots on the ground can. I take everything I see in these studies with a grain of salt. For everyone I know that is saying: stay away from that market.... I know someone else that is killing it in that market. You have to find a market that matches your investment criteria and risk tolerance.