@Andy Eakes -- You're wrong, California hasn't always churned people.
Post WW-II, California was a a beautiful Everyman's Paradise with a strong economy, and lots of middle class jobs, good schools and affordable real estate and plenty of upward mobility.
This is no longer the case.
Today, the middle-class is being squeezed out of California -- and California is rapidly becoming Brazil: 1% media/tech/politico wealthy with the rest 99% poor.
This middle-class destruction is a global phenomenon, but Calfornia is a bellwether for the rest of the country.
Young families are leaving California (as well as other places in similar conditions) in droves given that the price of real estate in any place with good schools is just brutal -- this is what is seeing families move to places like Austin and Boise etc etc -- simply put: the ability to buy the white picket fence dream in a good school district.
Not to mention, companies are leaving California b/c of this same reason --- it's hard to keep talent if that talent cannot afford a home+good schools in the area.
I say this as a lifelong Californian who loves California and knows the state inside and out -- but have moved to Texas about six years ago.
It is true that California coastal weather, from San Diego to Santa Barbara is the absolute best in the world (I used to live in Newport Beach and loved it) and that California has some of the best natural beauty in our country be it deserts, ocean, forests, mountains -- but the reality is that the California economy is not in great shape and getting worse, and it is getting incredibly expensive to raise kids there.
Treu story: I turned down a $400k +bonus job with a brandname company b/c it would have had me moving back to LA. I love Southern California and even the coastal parts of LA -- but $400k in Los Angeles isn't that great of a gig.
I suggest reading what Joel Kotkin has written about California's economy and demographics: