As I said earlier in this thread, these subsidies will only cause general prices to increase -- therefore, it wouldn't surprise me if this inititaive were supported by and lobbied for by home builders and developers ---- it greatly benefits them. It also benefits those who already own residential real estate in California.
At the end of the day, financing basically only exists to support producer prices.
Think about it this way -- if 15, 20 or 30 year mortgages (and their exotic variants) were suddenly outlawed, and a new home buyer could only buy a home with cash savings -- what would happen to home prices overnight?
If it isn't patently obvious, they'd plummet.
As someone else on this thread mentioned --- this is exactly what is behind the insane rise in college prices: the availability of financial aid literally creates price increases in tuition.
Do away with or severely curtail the ability to finance an education, and college tuition comes down drastically.