I really recommend looking into getting your real estate license. The benefits are incredible starting out. The education is the best because it focuses on every area of real estate. I strongly recommend the Keller Williams educational resources also once you get your license. In fact, get Gary Keller's book that he wrote on investment years ago. It's old school but written by someone who's whole life is real estate investment and business. Even if you decide on not getting your license, the classes are worth taking.
Book education is a good place to start. Reia's are another but be careful and find people that are truly doing well and not just talking about doing well. Just because they have the biggest sign on the wall doesn't mean they are the best. In fact, look for the quiet ones. One of the best educators i found years ago when I went to 7 real estate meetings a month, sat in the back and had grassed stained tennis shoes and a t-shirt on, with Levi jeans. He personally worked every aspect of the business including mowing grass so he knew what it took to take care of every house and every dime he spent. He's retired now. He's only 45 and did it in the worst market ever. I personally don't know who would want to retire from real estate, it is just too much fun. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and dig in to help someone else out on a deal. It's a great education. The best thing I've ever done was show up and tear off a roof, paint a house, clean a house .... you get my drift. It gives you a respect and understanding when you talk to contractors and build that team.
It's exciting to see new people come into the field. All the resources you have compared to some of us that started in real estate is amazing.
My final advise is to really look into people you meet as professionals. Look for reviews, BBB endorsements, and listen to your gut also. I wish I had people in Orlando to recommend to you but I only know good people in Miami and Tampa.
We are actually studying an area in Tampa right now to invest into. When I come back down there can I look you up? Be happy to show you what we look for and how we research before we buy.