The weather is heating up and so is the market!
This month we're seeing double (or triple? quadruple?), and you know what that means? It's time to talk Multi-Family Homes! Join us this month as we welcome Tim Churchwell to grab a beer and talk about his experience in the Multi-Family space with us. We'll be at Smartmouth in Virginia Beach on July 26th at 7:30 pm and online.
Tim Churchwell is the Director of the Commercial and Special Markets division for EXIT Realty Central and vice president of TEC Holdings, a development and consulting company. He earned the prestigious CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) designation in 2013 and currently serves as the President of the MidAtlantic Chapter for CCIM, which covers three states plus DC and was recently elected to serve as 1st Regional VP for CCIM, Region 10 (adds Pennsylvania, NJ, and Delaware).
In addition, he sits on the VAR Virginia Economic Advisory Board and a national committee for CCIM. He has also served two terms on the board of directors for HRRA as the chairman of the commercial council and has guest lectured at Regent Law on commercial real estate. He is CREOBA (Commercial REO Broker Association) certified and has performed hundreds of commercial property valuations for lenders, attorneys, accountants and clients.
His practice believes in a collaborative, consultative approach with his clients, forming long-term relationships.
While Tim loves travel, food, and wine his favorite place is with his family.
Join us at Smartmouth in Virginia Beach on July 26th, 2022, or join us virtually!
May your castle be secure, and your cup overflowing.