I work a job that I enjoy where I am low level management. 4 months ago I got a new boss and he has had me on his black list from the beginning. Each month he has written me up for between 8-15 different infractions which are completely bogus. I have gone to HR about this and it stopped briefly but has begun again.
Tomorrow I am selling a nice sized property which will free up some capital to invest. Once it is gone I will be down to 2 doors cash flowing about $1200 a month. However I will be set to do some more investing to pick up a few more properties when I find the right ones.
I’m really leaning towards going full time into real estate and maybe picking up a part time job I’m interested in, perhaps 15-20 hours a week.
Am I crazy for thinking I can make a go of it with about 4 doors and $2000 in cash flow and a lot of hard work.
One other thing I’ve owned various forms of rentals and investments over the years, just getting back into it now. So I do have some experience.
Thanks! Alecia