The main thing with rental properties is like the others mentioned, making it clean, safe, and functional. To first go through your quesitons, see below.
Siding - leave the siding, just pressure wash it
Bathroom - replace the tub w/ a shower kit.
Living room - replace the carpet, it is very outdated
Washer and dryer - Depends on your market, but here it Atlanta it is rare to have a W/D included in a home. I would tell tenants like you stated, that they can use it but if it stops working you will not fix it.
Basement - Most of water problems can be repaired with properly functioning gutters. As I see from the pictures, you do not have gutters and not much of an overhang. I would add gutters and downspouts, make sure gutters are sloped properly, downspouts have water running away from the home, etc. Just board up the cistern, gutters should solve your water problems.
Kitchen sink and cabinets - leave sink, replace countertops, paint cabinets
In regards to the quote, this seems very high. Again, I am not familiar with your market, but that is a lot more than what you would expect in Atlanta. So, prices listed below are based on Atlanta.
Exterior painting is very high, at most it should be about half of that.
Gutters & downspouts should be around $900 for the entire house. There is no need to bury the drain pipe, just add downspout splashes or corrugated pipes to each downspout and run the water away from the home.
Garage door seems fairly priced.
Interior paint is crazy priced, that should be around $1500 but no more than $2k.
Coat floors, I would not do. If you actually get the gutters done and you still have a problem, then you can look into bigger repairs. Price wise, it is a fair price.
Frame cistern wall, fair price but again I would not do this
Install vinyl flooring, why are replacing tile? Is it that bad? If its not, then i would just leave the tile and replace the carpet. Anyways, $5300 for vinyl flooring is a bit much. It should be around $3-$4/sqft, so that leaves you at no more that $4k.
Install bath toilet, sink, exhaust fan, and gfi should be about half of what they have. Maybe $1k but no more.