Thanks for your thoughts. It certainly seems difficult to know if my thinking is in line with reality. You have shared this new reality and Hosts on this site tell us to go find cash flowing deals. It seems that many investors do find cash flowing deals. However your comments do allow a person to perhaps temper expectations of a get rich quick scenario.
My experience has been very slow growth. I bought an investment house in 2005. Anybody else would have given it back to the bank during the downturn. I stuck it out oweing on negative equity.
However is has been rented out over the years with very little cash flow and negative for about the first four years.
Now, with changes in market conditions and various things I am now getting about $500.00 a month cash flow.
Renters have paid the mortgage down and things are looking better now.
My other houses have also taken time. However, these were probably my buying mistakes but sticking it out and living with integrity is beginning to pay now.
I look for those deals like this site claims to be out there but often feel my inadequacy prevents me from finding them. I just don't know. I keep dreaming and looking.
Treasure hunting is fun and if you ever find it, it will make the dreaming and working worth while, I guess.