@Mitchell Litam when was the house built? I ask because if it is an old house (pre-WW2) I would seriously think twice about wrapping it in vinyl. in the interest of full disclosure I must admit that I am one of those old house purist.That being said, the process of wrapping a house in vinyl many times involves hacking away details that would be considered an asset to many potential buyers in the future. Furthermore, bad installation of siding seems to be more common than not and results in damage to the structure over time from water and moisture infiltration. the best part is, you don't know it until it's beyond a simple fix because all that lovely plastic siding is hiding telltale indications of problems. I've seen this dozens of times and it is real. rotted sheathing, sill plates, studs and joists. Once that vinyl is faded and cracked it looks like he'll. Yes, painting is a pain but like most things, if it's done right it can last. Another consideration is what is the norm for the neighborhood? If it's full of vinyl and aluminum then I guess have at it. If not, I'd think twice. Again, I am a bit of an old New England purist when it comes to these things but I have done more than my share of stripping houses of vinyl and aluminum at customers requests, and found all types of garbage underneath. Anyway I know I'm in the minority here on BP when it comes to this but it is something to consider if it is an older home.