This thread is a huge example of why you should buy Apple stock, lol...they own 6.8% of the market, yet 99% of the comments in this thread. :) Nobody is a diehard windows fan, but man Apple could put out some lousy products that people would be defending to their last breath. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm a Husker fan and despite them being not great for 15 years, I still watch all of their games as if they were the greatest still.
I think I've owned 3 macs and a couple pc's over the past 8 years. We actually were trying to switch to mac due to having iphones, ipads, and everything else. The problem? Everything costs like double, and then you have other problems like expensive accessories, kids can't use it for gaming, drivers for some devices are inadequate, etc.
The comments here make me think people are buying a $300 Best Buy Windows laptop that runs like crap, and then buy a $1800 Macbook pro that's amazing in comparison...of course the Mac is going to destroy the Windows laptop in that scenario, it has an SSD drive, faster processor, etc. It's not an OS problem like people are talking about, it's a cheap hardware issue. People buy cheap Windows laptops and complain that it's trash. Apple doesn't sell anything cheap, so you never get the same type of feedback on Mac OS. If Apple sold $300 laptops, you'd hear the same things on MacOS.
It doesn't matter as much as it used to (windows vs mac os) because everything is in the cloud. You're going to be successful with either. But if budget is of any consequence, you can buy an equivalent pc for about 1/2 of what the mac costs. And generally, the PC is going to be more well will get outperformed in certain art/graphics packages, but it's going to be better overall for most things because it has more programs and hardware available to it.