@Dee Dee Huey These policies are only available through agents who are "licensed" to sell them.
However just because someone is licensed to sell it doesn't mean that they have the knowledge, education, or training to set these up in a way that they will grow and be usable. according to people in the industry that I trust, less than 5% of agents who are licensed to sell life insurance possess the knowledge and understanding to set up Cash Value policies that are truly a benefit to the owner.
My current favorite IUL is through North American, and I have 2 companies that I am using for whole life Lafayette and Mass Mutual. But remember these change constantly. Right now my agency has access to over 60 carriers all of them "fighting" for top spot.
These policies are definitely long term strategies, they are not fast but they are extremely safe and they offer other protections for the money that you invest in them I use the word invest, but these are not investments.
Yes they offer available cash value on day 1 but it is a percentage of the money that is put into them. If you need to have access to the majority of your cash on day 1 then the policy isn't going to perform as well. These policies should be funded with money that you don't "need" access to. If you need the access maybe a different strategy is better.
Remember if you are putting in $10K/ year it isn't going to grow over $10k in year 1. Then in year 2 another $10K goes in you aren't going to have access to $20K. From the standard 10pay policies that I have seen which are set up for the Infinite Banking Concepts the "breakeven" isn't until year 11 in most cases. Which mean that if you have paid $10,000/year for 10 years, that $100,000. You wont have access to the full $100K you have put in until year 11. This is what these policies are illustrating and what is most likely. If they grow faster than that, that is fantastic, but don't plan on it.
You will have access to a portion of the money that you put in each year but it will not be all of the money.
This illustration is for learning purposes only and not a direct representation of an actual policy. This is only for educational purposes and all that other liability jargon.
Anyone who is showing you illustrations over about 5.5% growth is just trying to get your money, and you should always run from something that sounds too good to be true.
I don't want my whole post to sound too negative, there are a few threads on BP where Be Your Own Bank and Infinite Banking are discussed and there are lots of people who have a very disgusted taste in their mouths. I love my cash value policies, they have helped me with a few different investments that I have and they will continue to perform for me through the rest of my life and set my kids and my grandkids up after I am gone.