@Jeff S.
I would love to have a conversation around what is available for insurance... One of the big reasons that Insurance companies win is because they talk so many people into buying term insurance. Term insurance is like paying for a rental. I am not knocking term life because it totally has its place in the market and has does great things for many many many people. there are some cool things that can be done with term insurance such as "return of premium" which is if you keep your contract in good standing (pay your premium) during the term of the policy you can receive up to 100% of the premium you have paid back. so that would be a net 0 expense.
One side note on Life Insurance. 99% of all term life insurance never pays out the death benefit Conversely just over 85% of permanent life policies pay the death benefit. That 15% includes all the policies that get canceled due to non payment, or people that decide they want to shut down their policies, policies that implode because they were set up improperly, etc.
When you look at whole life insurance. Maybe the Cash Value policies aren't worthwhile for you. They do cost something, meaning they aren't free, and they require time, lots of time to build any amount of significant cash value in comparison to the premium invested, 20+ years. They are basically a high interest savings account that have some other added benefits. (taxes, divorce, bankruptcy, etc.)
Maybe you should be looking into something like a GUL guaranteed universal life. These policies have $0 cash value but are permanent life products, which means that as long as they are paid for no matter when you die your estate will receive the life insurance payout. Because these policies do not have any cash value the "cost" of the policy is much cheaper than the "cost" of Cash value policies.
MEC- Modified endowment contracts- Lots of people are scared of these because they loose some of their tax advantages, and there are lots of agents that set these up wrong and screw them up. But they can "pay back the costs" of the policy much faster than a regular cash value policy, and these can be purchased by a single payment. The "cash value" is available day 1 of the policy, and they offer all the stat protections of a standard life insurance policy.
Annuity- buy now and they provide income at an elevated level. set it and forget it.
Depending on your net worth and your annual income you may qualify for "Premium Finance" where you pay the interest only on a loan and a 3rd party bank pays the premium. after 5-10 years and the policy is completely paid for, you take some of the "cash value of the policy" to pay the loan back and then have substantial more cash value that you can leverage.
Life Insurance creates leverage. Life insurance can solve problems now in terms of protections and leverage, while at the same time providing more for our heirs.
Do I get paid for selling policies? Yes I do. I can't force anyone to sign on the line, and then continue to pay for their policy 10-20-30 years down the road? If the policy doesn't solve a problem the client isn't going to keep the policy. and if they don't keep the policy I have to pay back the commission that I got paid for selling the policy.
Life insurance is not an investment, it can be used to leverage your investments, and it is a very very very safe place to put your money.
Get with me anytime, I won't even charge you a flat rate to answer any questions that you have.