Notecamp Day 3
Sunday, June 26
Dear Mom and Dad,Day 3 of Notecamp has come to a close. I am learning so much about note investing and using OPM (other people’s money) to provide a great return to them and allow me to help a homeowner while making a great return for myself. It’s truly great when everybody wins!I had woken up ...
Notecamp Day 2 - "Amortization Afternoon"
Saturday, June 25
Dear Mom and Dad,I woke up super early today and couldn’t get back to sleep thinking about my camp yesterday. I didn’t get a chance to send you a letter last night because I was busy with a craft project so now is a perfect time to tell you about my day.Scott and Chase had us up bright and early...
Letter Home from NoteCamp - Day 1
Friday, June 24
Dear Mom and Dad,My first day at camp was GREAT! The camp leaders (Scott Carson and Chase Thompson) are awesome and really nice. I met some other great people today too. #notecamp is teaching us note investor campers how to up our game and provide great returns for us and our investors and hopefu...