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Evaluating Properties - Comparable Tip 2 - Time

Thursday, September 15

One of the most important elements to evaluating the worth of a property is TIME. Time is what dictates where we are in the current market and that we are comparing in a duration where the economic conditions and supply/demand are as similar as possible. In 2008-2009 the market was changing so ...

Evaluating Properties - Comp Tip 1 - Geography

Wednesday, September 14

Running comparable sales and determining the end value of a property is truly an art and not a science. With that said, there certainly are some black and white areas to give yourself a baseline to judge the value from. The one I am going to focus on here is GEOGRAPHY. When searching for good ...

Flipping Houses Isn't Sexy.....It Is Lucrative

Monday, September 12

That's right, flipping a house isn't about how fun it is, how television makes it seem glamorous or doing it so you can seem important as a 'real estate investor'. Flipping a house is about one thing and one thing only, THE MONEY. I often see people that want to get into a deal that really isn'...

Buy And Hold Or Fix And Flip

Friday, September 09

To expand on the "moment money matters" about investors that buy/hold vs fix/flip, I felt I would go into depth on the topic. Determining an exit strategy prior to buying a property is essential. You don't want to wind up with what you think is a flip that ends up turning into a no cash flow rent...

Should You Start Flipping Large Or Small Projects

Thursday, September 08

This question is one that on the surface may appear easy, but once you are into a project you might have chosen differently. Larger projects normally net larger profits so people tend to want to skip smaller ones and take a short cut. My suggestion is to start smaller before deciding if you wan...

Gap Funding - What Is It?

Wednesday, September 07

I am frequently asked by new clients if it is alright for someone to take a second position on the property or possibly supply cash to close to make a deal work. Gap funding is normally a person or entity that comes into a deal and provides a bit of extra liquidity. The two common options are as...