7 Ways To Becoming A Rockstar Investor
Wednesday, November 25
In investing, how can you separate yourself from the pack? How can you rocket into the top 1%? Here’re seven tips from the most highly successful in the industry about how to look like a rockstar:1) Leave your emotions at the front door.Oftentimes, we can let our emotions get in the way of making...
Why I Pick Single Family Over Multi-Family Anyday. And You Should Too
Monday, November 23
Real estate has been my passion since starting in this industry in 2009. But a couple of years ago, my passion became even more focused when I purchased my first single-family home. I was hooked.Double-Digit ReturnsAfter all my expenses are paid, I am still able to achieve a double-digit return o...
Leave Emotions At Home..Get The Best Deal Through Negotiating
Saturday, November 21
You are now face-to-face with the seller. After running the numbers, their asking price is over what you can pay for it. So now where to go from here? Below are some things that can help work out a deal, so you come out feeling like a winner.Motivation of the SellerOne of the things I always thin...
You Are Killing Your Cash-Flow...Stop Running Into These Mishaps
Tuesday, November 17
Feel like you can’t make a profit on your properties? The problem may be that you’re not maintaining a proper balance. Learning to properly juggle the following three priorities will result in large profits in the long run.RepairsPutting off repairs till a later point can come back and bite you. ...