Day 53. Wow Day 53 already?!?!
Tuesday, June 23
So a few things to catch up on. Some good actions taken but I have not done that elusive first deal yet. On 6/1/2015 I went to the REIA meeting and it went great! I got the chance to expand my network and actually chat with a few experienced investors at a restaurant after the meeting for a f...
Day 20. Fire burn.....Tundra Good!
Tuesday, May 19
I sometimes surprise myself by how really simple I can be. If something shiny gets flashed in front of my eyes I get distracted and forget what the main objective is. Case in point: At the end of 2011. I was working a good job with decent pay, I had cleared up my credit, and had very little l...
Day 14 Making Progress
Wednesday, May 13
Went to a local REIA last Monday and made some great contacts! Met a banker looking to lend money to investors, a fellow newbie like myself looking for their first deal, and most importantly an active buyer looking deals! I exchanged information with everyone but especially focused on attempting ...
Day 3
Saturday, May 02
Action has to be the keyword. Researching real estate techniques is good action. Listening to pod-casts about improving myself is good action. Eating right and working out today are good action. What can I do today, that I will thank myself for tomorrow?Well today I made a few decisions and t...
Day 1.....but who's counting?
Thursday, April 30
Starting points:$900 in checking$1200 in savingsCredit score......honestly I'm too scared to look.No assets Renting the bottom half a home that my father and I renovated with my beautiful amazing wife.Large payment on a truck purchased when receiving more income in my previous line of work and $...