Day 3
Action has to be the keyword. Researching real estate techniques is good action. Listening to pod-casts about improving myself is good action. Eating right and working out today are good action. What can I do today, that I will thank myself for tomorrow?
Well today I made a few decisions and took some action.
I decided that I would focus my business model on opportunities to wholesale and owner financing.
I setup a website thorough wix.com with a domain name:
I put out some craigslists ads to see if anyone may bite:
The local REIA meeting is this coming Monday at 6pm and I'm trying to maneuver my work day so I can be there and begin shaking hands and kissing babies!
As I'm setting this wheel in motion I feel like I am gaining momentum. I'm not sure how far this momentum will carry me, but I plan to gain the skills necessary along the way to keep propelling myself forward. These real estate podcasts make things sound so easy! Buy property make money and repeat. Haha. It seems like most of these people started at Step 1 and I'm starting from step negative 3.
Step: -3 Re-evaluate total financial outlook on life
Step: -2 Terminate negative behaviors
Step: -1 Assess Damage and cry quietly on a big pillow when you realize how much work needs to be done.
Step 0 Educate yourself on a financially independent lifestyle. What does this look like? What would you do? Who would you be?
Then I get to steps 1,2,3 that "these people" talk about haha.
Step 1 Buy Real Estate
Step 2 Make Money
Step 3 Repeat
Well, there is only one way to eat an elephant......one bite at a time.
All I have is today.
All of yesterday's achievements and all of tomorrow's promises will never be equal to the power of taking a simple action today.....right now!