Day 1.....but who's counting?
Starting points:
$900 in checking
$1200 in savings
Credit score......honestly I'm too scared to look.
No assets
Renting the bottom half a home that my father and I renovated with my beautiful amazing wife.
Large payment on a truck purchased when receiving more income in my previous line of work and $3k in credit card debt.
Age 33
Able to bench press 300lbs, can run a sub 8 min mile....but sadly love handles are still tenants that have yet to be evicted.
Well, it doesn't look completely terrible when you just lay it out like that. It could certainly be worse. I'm currently the manager for a wheel company and the business is growing. I've been listening to the Bigger pockets podcast and reading as much as possible before, after, or during the 60 hours a week that I'm working. As I'm writing this I can't help but smile to myself. You know that feeling you get when you know something good is about to happen? When you were younger, you got all dressed up, put on your best cologne, and stepped out into the night knowing you were in for some adventure. That's the way I feel at this moment.
I really don't know why I'm starting this blog. Hopefully to document a long and successful history, or maybe just to let the countless others out there know that they are not alone. I'm ready for a change and in the past I've found that through writing, self-examination, course correction, and my best learning can occur. I am truly grateful for the opportunities that are in my life and I look forward to the doors that will be opening before me.....and you.
All I have is today.
All of yesterday's achievements and all of tomorrow's promises will never be equal to the power of taking some simple action at this moment.....right now!