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Governments role

Saturday, June 13

What should be the governments role?It is supposed to be for the protection of its people.The Federal Government for protection from external forces that threaten its people.The State Government for protection from forces outside the state that threaten the people within its state.The Local gover...

Problem solving

Saturday, May 23

We all have run into problems, or challanges, in many different areas.Most of the time, we have a tendency to get upset at the delay and or cost of the problem and look for the reason or person to blame. While the reason something happened can be useful in determining how to avoid the problem in ...


Friday, May 22

The art of negotiating. This is a free article that I found on line at Since this was a free article from the website above I did not believe that the permission statement was necessary. Looks like I did not look far enough into it and the site requires this statement.Reprinted with permission. C...

Guru mentality

Monday, May 04

My other blogs dealt with mindsets and were meant to be general in application.But have been taken by most as how they deal with RE in relation to the many Guru's out there. So I thought I would take some time to relate things to the Guru's themselves.I would catagorize this as a mentality instea...

What is your Mindset?

Saturday, May 02

Due to some of the comments on my first blog, I decided to open this up for everyone's comments.Which Mindset is more likely to purchase those Guru's late night TV informercial programs?Gullable, Persuadable, or Determined?The Gullable mindset is definately a candidate as they are often "driven t...


Thursday, April 30

Basicilly there are three different types of mindsets.GullablePersuadableDeterminedThe Gullable mindset is the one who will follow anything that is told to them as being possible no matter what the common sense thought process would say. These are the types of people that will listen to the Guru...