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Posted about 15 years ago


Basicilly there are three different types of mindsets.


The Gullable mindset is the one who will follow anything that is told to them as being possible no matter what the common sense thought process would say. These are the types of people that will listen to the Guru's that are seen on late night TV with "I have a secret system" message and are soon parted with their monies for not only the program but for an additional fees of "mentoring" that are also sold by these people.

The Persuadable mindset is the one who will listen to anything that is told to them as being possible and apply the common sense thought process to it. They may not believe what the hear on those Guru's late night TV shows but are persuaded enough to check it out and will often buy the course but not the mentoring or any other additional helps that are available.

The Determined mindset is the one who will hear what is being said but does not believe it and can not be persuaded to purchase anything. But upon hearing what is being said they also apply the common sense thought and will usually find something that was said as a real benefit which can be applied to what they are currently doing. To their detriment they will often convince themselves that something can be done and will not listen to anyone who is trying to show them the error that they have convinced themselves of as being truth or possible.

As you may have seen from the description of these basic mindsets that there is something good and something bad to say about each. And a suitable combination of all three is best. Which one is best? We all have to determine that for ourselves.

But I think it is best to say that we should be determined not to be too gullable at any time while being persuadable enough to seek the additional education that the common sense would say for something that may just be possible IF done under the proper conditions.

Comments (6)

  1. enjoyed reading your posts.

  2. I kind of like that word, Josh, but I would change it a little from: gurudom (I think I made that word up!). TO gurudumb (consider it either them for trying or us for believing)

  3. Actually, this is some of what I had hoped for in comments. There are several more "type of mindsets" that can be claimed, but most are really a deritive of these basic three. We can expand upon each one into subcatagories.

  4. I like your post. One thing though: This has the potential to be one of those good blog posts. "Ask 'what do you think? Am I wrong in?' For example: Most people are lazy. They buy these programs because they have the promise of ease. 1% of those lazies become determined. The rest are just gullible lazies! Polarize your audience!

  5. Welcome to the world of blogging, Jim! I love the post and think it is a great examination of human behavior, as it is related to the world of real estate education and gurudom (I think I made that word up!).

  6. This is my first attempt at any type of Blog, so I would appreciate any feedback as far as style, content, ect. And dont hold back the punches (or koolaid)!!!