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Posted about 15 years ago

Governments role

What should be the governments role?

It is supposed to be for the protection of its people.

The Federal Government for protection from external forces that threaten its people.

The State Government for protection from forces outside the state that threaten the people within its state.

The Local government for protection from forces outside the locality that threatens teh people within that locality.

Each step of government can reach out to the next step of government when they can not protect their people using the resources that their people have provided them with through their laws and or taxes they have granted to their governments.

Any other application of government usually is a result of one branch reaching down into the other governments business and doing for them something that was not authorized by their government which is supposed to be "for the people, by the people".

This has resulted in a reversal of what was originally intended such that the Federal laws are being enacted upon the States and the States laws are being enacted upon the Locals without any consideration of how those laws are to be paid for by the local. It was intended that any law authorized by the locals will be paid for by those same locals and not the entire state or even all of the states combined.

When are we the people going to stand up and require the State and or Federal governments to pay for laws enforcement that we as local governments are being required to do? If no such payments are forthcomming let us not enforce any such laws until they have been paid for!

That is the only way to return to fiscal responsibility in my opinion. And all of this is of course opinion that is based upon what I think was the intention of the beginnings of laws that created the Federal Government.

Do you agree or disagree? Any comments welcome as I would like us to return to not only fiscal responsibility, but personal responsibility. I guess I would like to add governmental responsibility as well.
