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Posted about 15 years ago

Guru mentality

My other blogs dealt with mindsets and were meant to be general in application.

But have been taken by most as how they deal with RE in relation to the many Guru's out there. So I thought I would take some time to relate things to the Guru's themselves.

I would catagorize this as a mentality instead of a mindset. Where a mindset is

  1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.

and would predetermine someone's response to a situation or stimulus. The mentality would involve the mental ability.

So we are speaking of ability vs attitude. Even these two are very closely related and are often used as synonyms for each other it is important to understand the difference in regards to the Guru.

It is interesting that in most cases the Guru say that they have already done and now wish to share with everyone their secrets. This mentality would seem to say that I am tired of doing things my way, so I'll teach others to do it. The problem with this approach is that they do not make sure that those they attempt to teach also have the mental ability to comprehend what they are sharing. 

The Guru mentality does not care about what others think because "they have done it and know it works". This mentality is great for ignoring the common thought process and venturing into an unknown area such as inventing like Edison did with the lightbulb. So I will not put down the Guru's themselves because from these types came all those who have shared much with us just to announce their "discovery". 

Even though Guru's are from great mental ability, this does not correlate into the physical world we live in as most fail several times before they succeed and those that they would train do not have the time or resources to fail even the first time. 

This is my problem with the Guru mentality that we seem to see today on the late night informercial's. The true Guru mentality is great and should be praised as they shared their findings with society. But I think the term has been hijacked by those who dont care about society unless there is something in it for themselves!!!!!! 

Comments (2)

  1. I agree, I've learned a lot from entrepreneurs doing things that I might not have thought of and can probably only duplicate some of it myself. but have been very inspired by it.

  2. True dat. Those who can do, right?