Financing own business using 401k or IRA funds vs a Solo 401k Loan
Saturday, March 28
In addition to information covered in this video regarding the differences between using your own retirement funds such as IRAs, 401k funds, profit sharing funds, government 457b funds, TSPs, defined benefit plans, 401a funds, and a pension plan to finance your own business, whether a franchise o...
Popular Self-Directed Solo 401k Alternative Investment Types
Thursday, March 26
Popular Solo 401k Alternative Investments include the following: Click on Real Estate to learn more (quick tips)Title to property is taken in the name of the . All income and expenses are paid with solo 401k funds.Solo 401k owner can only manage (for example, look for tenants and ...
Move into self-directed solo 401k owned real estate condo
Wednesday, March 25
QUESTION 1: I have been reading the information about purchasing a condo with my self-directed solo 401K. So my plan is to buy a condo now, rent it out for the next 5+ years and then move into it. How is the 401k effected when I move into it? What must be done?ANSWER: In order to have personal ac...
Structuring a self-directed solo 401k promissory note investment
Tuesday, March 24
QUESTION: I still have a few questions on the logistics of how we will structure the purchase of a single promissory note pool for $100K in our self-directed Solo 401k with funds from our two separate solo 401k checking accounts. Will we need to have the seller split the note pool into separate p...
Transfer SEPIRA to Solo 401k Non-Recourse Loan
Thursday, March 19
QUESTION 1: I have both a rollover IRA from a previous employer and a SEP IRA. Can I combine these into a solo 401K? ANSWER: Presumably you are self-employed if you are already participating in a SEP IRA, but to clarify, here is how the IRS defines self-employment:You carry on a trade or bu...
Can I borrow/take a loan for 30 years from a solo 401k to buy real est
Wednesday, March 18
QUESTION: Can I borrow/take a loan for 30 years from a solo 401k to buy real estate?ANSWER: The IRS regulations only allow for a 30 year solo 401k loan pay back period if the proceeds are used for the purchase of your primary residence and if the primary residence mortgage is for 30 years. Als...