Popular Self-Directed Solo 401k Alternative Investment Types
Popular Solo 401k Alternative Investments include the following:
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- Title to property is taken in the name of the .
- All income and expenses are paid with solo 401k funds.
- Solo 401k owner can only manage (for example, look for tenants and hire contractors) the property but not perform sweat equity work (e.g., fix the toilet, paint, etc.)
- Solo 401k owner cannot use the property for personal use, whether one day out of the year or daily.
- Non-recourse/debt financing may be incorporated and generally not subject to UBIT.
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- Allowable metal types that may be held in a solo 401k include gold, platinum, silver and palladium.
- Bullion coins and bars are allowed in solo 401k plans as long specific purity requirements are satisfied: Gold = 99.5%; Silver = 99.9%; Platinum = 99.95%; Palladium = 99.95%
- The solo 401k trustee may safe-keep the coins but not the bullion--bullion is required to be stored with an approved depository institution such as Delaware Depository.
Click on Promissory Note to learn more (quick tips):
- The business owner's solo 401k assumes a banking roll because solo 401k funds are loaned to a third-party such as an individual or a business, and the solo 401k receives a return on the investment.
- The promissory note can be structured as secured--generally by real-estate, inventory or precious metals--or it can be structured as an unsecured note; however, if unsecured, the interest rate that the solo 401k receives is generally higher because of the higher investment risk.
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- One way a solo 401k can invest passively in a private company is by purchasing equity as long as it is not the solo 401k owner's/trustee's own business or a business controlled by the solo 401k owner's relatives such as spouse, parents and children.
- Title to the equity investment is taken in the name of the solo 401k plan.
- If the solo 401k plan invests in a business that offers goods or services (an active business), the gains are subject to UBTI; however UBTI does not apply to passive, private company investments.
Comments (1)
Another popular solo 401k investment is tax liens. Visit following link to learn more.
Mark Nolan, almost 10 years ago