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Posted about 2 years ago

What You Focus On Expands

What you focus on expands. We have all heard this before, but have we really heard it? Does it resonate with us or is it just another set of motivational words we overlook? I’ll tell you it does resonate with me and it makes a difference.

Let’s take a look at my situation right now. As you all know I am a real estate investor and a Realtor. I have a home in an unnamed town. I'm flipping right now that it seems like the city has done everything in its power to make it hard for me. We are changing the stairs in the home and taking an attached shed off the back. (many other things are happening, but these are the biggest). It took them three weeks to look at my permit application, then they asked for drawings. Two weeks later the drawings were done and submitted and sat on the desk for another 2 weeks. From here the fire inspector has to sign off on the smokes placement but is taking time off for two weeks. This is a long time, the project would be shut down, and about $4,000 in holding costs.

I didn't focus on this. Yes, I am shit down, but what can I do to keep things moving. I shifted my attention to what I can control while working on the permit issues. We took down the trees outside, cleaned up the overgrown landscaping, and removed the 50,000 pounds of metal in the yard. I also had the home cleaned out and the perk test is done so the septic could be designed. I focused on what could be done and the more I looked, the more I realized I could get ahead without the permit. The demo side of the permit should be signed next week, so we will get moving on the inside renovation.

This is a very literal example of the concept, but think about it in more of a mental way as this is where the big gains come. Say you have had a bad day, things fell out of contract, or just aren't going your way. How do you feel, kinda crappy? Now you take that and just sit feeling defeated and think about it. You lose all the ability to want to do anything and become increasingly down. In the movie The Replacements (wonderful movie) they call this quicksand because if you think one bad thought, then another, then another one and suddenly you are stuck. What if you thought ok how can I get them back in another contract? or focus on the good things that happened that day like spending a wonderful morning with your loved one. Seeing your pets all happy to see you. Yes, it sucks bad things happen but if we focus on these things all the time then we will get caught in that quicksand and that is a dangerous, smile! Focus on what you can do, what you can control, and what makes you happy! I am not saying we ignore the bad, yes we have to fix those issues but don't let them control you, your life, and your mood. You choose how you feel, not the external factors in our day.

