What are you looking for in a training?
I just finished a meeting about a new training in my brokerage that is going to be offered to new agents. It's a change from the other model where we will have newer agents work with different mentors, instead of one individual mentor. We were also discussing how they get matched up with each mentor, making me think about learnings and styles.
I just came back from a conference that people loved and I thought, was ok. Thinking about the meeting, it was not bad, it just was not what I needed right now. They had many informational sessions about different aspects of real estate. This worked great for me last year, but not this year. So what changed? My needs? What I am interested in is not as many high-level concepts but I want to go deeper on a subject.
So we are talking about different styles and needs when talking about training. As I think back about my training in the past I realized that most are one size for all training. This is a tough thing because if I'm a visual learner, but you are a learner by doing what we need to incorporate this thing in the training. The question then is. How do we cater to both?
Normally my rants have a lesson to teach and this one may too, but I would also like to hear from all of you amazing people that have been commenting on my posts. How do you think you can systemize training when everyone learns differently, has different personalities, and are at different points in the journey?