First Time Multi Buyers- DON'T USE FHA
Thursday, July 06
I may seem like a hypocrite here since I bought my first 3 Family with an FHA loan and 3.5% down back in 1999.But there are more options now.Mass Housing has some productsLocal Credit Unions and Local Banks have portfolio loans with low down payments.Why you should go FHAYou have BAD CREDITYou on...
BUY IN WORCESTER NOW- The "experts" say
Monday, July 03 I have now seen this same article 2X. Most recently this week. They have Worcester as #1 of cities you won't be able to afford in 5 years. From what the market is doing, it could be the case. Prices keep hanging on, but more importantly the rents keep rising. Whe...
Live in a 3 decker give $6mm to charity
Monday, July 03 Wonderful article here. Basically these brothers lived simply and saved GBH said on Wednesday that the brothers, working-class guys from Malden who lived their whole lives in the three-family house where they grew up, are responsible for the organization’s bigge...
The idiocy of making students pay to take the school bus
Wednesday, June 28
Early in my economics classes they spoke of private and public goods. Public goods are provided by the government or by nature for the welfare of people without any cost. Private goods are goods that are produced and sold by private companies to earn a profit. School Bussing is clearly a PUBLIC G...
Who pays commercial taxes in Worcester, don't you want to know?
Wednesday, June 28
Straight out of the Worcester Business Journal here are our top 10 taxpayers. What do we see here. A group of taxpayers who can't leave no matter how high we raise the commercial tax rate. If anyone follows WorcesterMulti they know that I complain all the time about how the dual tax rate (Resid...
Home inspections are a waste of money?
Wednesday, June 28
Does this seem like a bold statement that can get me into trouble? It probably is. Since I am an agent who sees about 10 investment properties a week, my opinion might be different from people who are buying 1 house to live in, and are only doing it every 10 years. Let's do a quick summary of wha...