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Housing Inequity Solution Needed in Worcester?

Thursday, June 20

I love the spirit of Jeuji Diamondstone and her dedication to helping renters and improving their housing conditions. With 58% of households in Worcester renting, it's crucial to address their situation. Worcester's housing stock is very old, and most of the three-deckers are heated by gas. Some ...

Impact of Rising Demand at Food Pantries on Tenants

Monday, June 17

There's a notable article in the Telegram and Gazette about the spike in demand at food pantries, "Food assistance: Demand at food pantries spikes as rents increase and wages do not". It's safe to say that the majority of visitors to food pantries are renters. If tenants struggle to afford food, ...

A Great Agent is Worth Every Penny

Friday, June 14

Check out this excellent article from Banker and Tradesman, "You Rarely Know All Your Agent Does". While it mostly focuses on listing agents, the same holds true for buyer's agents. You only know some of what your agent does. The article does a fantastic job of highlighting things that often go o...

The Issue with 1023 Main Street, Worcester Wasn't Spectrum Health...

Monday, June 10

The real issue with 1023 Main Street, Worcester wasn't Spectrum Health. It was taxes. Now that we're about six months removed from the debate, it's time to revisit what actually happened. Here are three articles that made it into the papers: "Addiction treatment group buys building in Main South...

Worcester is Losing Out On More Because of Commercial Tax Rates

Thursday, June 06

Here is an article that appeared in the Worcester Chamber Exchange. Once again, I've been hammering away at this issue for years on my BiggerPockets blog.  Let's not belabor the point, but Worcester's commercial tax rate is directly shaping what gets built in the city. Sure, you can spot all the ...

Can Worcester Afford These Rents?

Monday, June 03

Have you seen the latest article from the Worcester Telegram? It's about the skyrocketing rents in Worcester. Read the article here. I've been discussing this issue for years on my blog on Bigger Pockets. Make sure to check out my previous posts in the link below. WorcesterMulti Bigger Pockets...