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Harping on Student Loan Repayment again

Monday, June 26

I feel I must continue to beat the drum on this one. Check out this article. If/When student loans kick back in, that will pull $18 BILLION out of the economy a month. The sad part is that during covid when people were stuck home not able to buy anything, and sav...

Worcester Polar Park and the Woosox

Thursday, June 01 Let's revisit something from months ago and something we all knew was coming. Polar Park does not pay for itself. As I mentioned in my prior blog post, it is great that we have Polar Park.  It is a great place, but it doesn't ma...

How "Sustainable Buildings" contribute to Gentrification

Thursday, June 01

When Cities and Towns require Stretch Code and LEED certified buildings they unwittingly raise housing prices and contribute to gentrification. Essentially, these codes drive up the price of construction. That has 2 effects.  1. Drive up the cost of buying or renting property2. Making projects un...


Thursday, June 01

Here is another great article from Banker and Tradesman: We support these sentiments. Making housing affordable is not just about creating "affordable housing". The city of Worcester is working hard to get developers to simply build more units.  Yes, they are pus...

Mexican Standoff Revisited

Thursday, June 01

Here is my blog from 7 months ago And here is an article with some thoughts from Barbara Corcoran, Corcoran is singing my tune: "So you get a Mexican standoff going on, but things are changing," she said. "The people who are goi...

RentVestors are a New Breed

Wednesday, May 31

There is a new term in the real estate lexicon, "RentVestor" These are people who are buying rental properties instead of primary housing. We have seen this in the past, when people from CA would rent in CA and buy a house in AZ as a rental home or a vacation home. They couldn't afford their drea...