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In what asset class should I invest?

Friday, August 21

Should I place my money in stocks? Gold and Silver? Or Real Estate?And How about inflation? Let get right into it: Forget stocks, unless you are truly not in a hurry to make money this life time. I say that, simply because, in the stock market youcannot control anything and you need a long period...

Real Estate Hedge Fund Manager’s take on the “ essence of influence"

Friday, August 21

What is the essence of influence? I cannot understand the big deal about all these books written to explain the art and science of “Influence”, some were written by experts like Robert Cialdini, others were written by psychologists and the list goes on. There are even seminars, podcasts, webinar...

Know Best Principles to Achieve Trust

Thursday, August 20

Most people go through life without knowing why they could not make it big financially. The answer is simply that they failed to find at least one method, or one formula that can get them to produce a predictable and profitable result. And some people that actually are lucky enough to find a form...

How to find honest trustworthy people?

Thursday, August 20

The best way to find an honest person whom you can trust, is to select an ethical person and trust them first with small tasks to see how they will perform. Then increase the assignments incrementally until they reach their capacity or grow exponentially with you. In business and in life, you wan...

Crucial Factors for Best Results in Real Estate Investing

Wednesday, August 19

If you are investing in real estate you must understand the relationship between price and value. I want to share with you what calculations I do to figure out that difference and how I apply the strategy: 1. My buy and sell strategies2. My buy and hold structures3. The business models I offer my...

The Perfect City for a Real Estate Investor

Wednesday, August 19

Have you ever been to a place where you thought to yourself, “Wow this is a cool place! I like it here.” If so, have you asked yourself, why you had this impression? What was it that you liked so much about that particular city or town? Well, as a real estate investor and hedge fund manager, I ...