Know Best Principles to Achieve Trust
Most people go through life without knowing why they could not make it big financially. The answer is simply that they failed to find at least one method, or one formula that can get them to produce a predictable and profitable result. And some people that actually are lucky enough to find a formula that works fail to create a win/win business model that can help them work with others to grow faster because they resist sharing the wealth.
“Trust” is key as you scale your business, no matter the type of business. You may start off as a one-person show, but as you grow you will build a team. Having trust in the people, the structure(s), and the process(es) you create and apply will be imperative to your success.
Trust in others is achieved when:
- 1) Time is spent observing them and analyzing their track record. The balance and congruence between what they think, say, feel, do and the results they get. People reveal themselves by the decisions they make and the choices they take. Listen carefully to their choice of words (to know what they think), their voice intonation (to understand how they feel) and watch their actions (to see the result of their efforts).
- 2) Relationship is built and rapport is maintained. Each side must understand and accepts each other’s status. The Dynamics should be clarified and maintained. Pay attention to their level of Knowledge (when they discuss a subject), their level of Responsibility (when they are involved in something) and their level of Control (when they undertake an endeavor).
- 3) Understanding is in place. This occurs when there is a high level of Communication (their ability to listen, understand and respond with clarity and empathy), their level of Reality (their agreements with others), and their level of Affinity (their ability to connect, like and tolerate other people’s points of view whether similar or different from theirs).
- 4) Safety created by sharing of Thoughts, Emotions and Actions are natural and spontaneous, without reservations or suspicion. Their ideas, opinions are expressed without reservations, their feelings and emotions are flowing and their efforts in the physical sense are connected or synergistic. This creates a powerful bond.
- 5) Emotions are studied to predict their behavior. Positive enthusiastic people tend to get more things done and stay on top of their endeavors. Low moral people tend to procrastinate, blame and complain instead of confronting and handling their problems. Emotion predicts motions. One cannot trust someone whose emotions and body language are in-congruent with what they say.
Build trust. Attain your success.
Cherif Medawar
SFIFUnd.com Real Estate Hedge Fund Manager, Author & Educator