Terms Deals for Highly Motivated Sellers
Wednesday, September 09
If a seller wants to get out of a house quickly, there is perhaps no better deal than a terms deal. Oftentimes in the terms niche we encounter what we like to call “life events.” A life event could be anything from a divorce to a job relocation to helping an elderly family member out. But these...
You’re Not a Rehabber!
Wednesday, September 09
In the TERMS business, we don’t do rehabs. We’re real estate investors! When you take on a terms deal that spans multiple years, there’s a chance you might need to handle some repairs or renovations if the buyer ever defaults. And some people may even think it could be a good idea to put more m...
Making the Most of a 24-Month Term
Wednesday, September 02
We always recommend making your terms as long as possible. But what happens if the seller insists on a short term? When you’re doing a terms deal like a lease purchase or owner-financing, it’s almost always better to structure it with a longer term rather than a shorter one. We generally opt fo...
Can You Take a Property When a REALTOR® Has the Listing?
Wednesday, August 26
Short answer? YES! But there are a few nuances you’ll want to be aware of... We get this question from our Associates all the time. “Can I co-list a house with a realtor?” Well, first of all, let’s set one thing straight. You’re not a listing agent! You’re an investor. So the question really b...
7 Days to a Buyers Meeting
Tuesday, July 28
If you ever get worried about whether your house will sell or not, just remember: it only takes one person! Today, we’re looking at a deal that was done—oddly enough—between two accountants! Our Associate who did this deal runs his own accounting business while doing terms deals on the side, and...
Should You Panic If You Lose a Buyer?
Tuesday, July 28
If you lose a buyer, there are multiple ways to pivot and keep the deal going. Don’t sweat it! We get this question all the time: “What happens if I lose my buyer?!” Well, first of all—don’t panic! Sometimes you will lose a buyer due to unforeseen circumstances, and that’s okay. We build safeg...