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Posted almost 5 years ago

5 Tips On How To Keep Business Productivity Alive

Keeping productivity alive in the office can be difficult.

You just might not be feeling that you should be putting in any effort, maybe you’re not even sure HOW you can put in any more effort at all.

Not everyone has a handle on how they can keep business productivity high, but here are a few tips on how it can be handled:

Plan out your work

Make sure as an employee you are planning out your work, and working out your plans.
Setting aside a few minutes of your day to make a to-do list for your upcoming activities for the day will make you seem more organized and responsible.

Advanced planning will also put you a step further from your own tasks.
Take some time of the day to map out some of the stuff you need to get done, because I’m telling you, if you’re a completionist, you’ll feel satisfaction like nothing else.

Save your time, use your productive hours wisely

Focus on what’s important, don’t waste your hours struggling on something you’re still *trying* to figure out. Spending even 20 percent of your day on the most important task can result in you getting as much as 80 percent of your results.

Start as soon as now

He who hesitates is lost. He who waits is unsure. And he who stops never goes.
Fear, self-doubt, hesitancy, all of these fade with action. The sooner you get started on your work, the sooner it will be finished and you will only have yourself to thank for finishing your work so early.

It’s like writing a book when you put down a word, it soon becomes a sentence, that sentence expands to a paragraph, and those paragraphs tell a grand tale. Congratulations. You’ve finished your novel, and you’ve finished your task.

Keep yourself optimistic

Sometimes the best person to give yourself a pat on the back is you.

We can’t always have the praise of our loved ones or the support of your co-workers, but keeping yourself optimistic and positive by whispering a small word of encouragement to yourself every now and then isn’t a bad idea at all, actually.

In Chicken Soup for the Soul’s “Love and the Cabbie,” it tells of Art Buchwald and a friend wandering the streets of New York. Buchwald’s friend is being incredibly optimistic towards random bystanders and yes, even a cab driver in an effort to bring more positivity to the city.

Buchwald protests that it isn’t possible for one man but his friend firmly and kindly rejects this as he believes whether or not his plan works, as long as another day comes, there will be more people he will try to make happy. Their conversation then goes to how postal employees morale to work is broken and sad.

“The thing that seems to be lacking, besides money of course, for our postal employees, is that no one tells people who work for the postal office what a good job they’re doing.”

“But they aren’t doing a good job.” Buchwald protests.

“They’re not doing a good job because they feel no one cares if they do or not. Why shouldn’t someone say a kind word to them?”

Take a break

If you work yourself to the bone, you’ll find you’ll have nothing BUT bones to work with if you know what I mean.

The work is there, it’s not going anywhere, and it may have a deadline but you’ll get there. Breathe in and make sure you don’t get tapped out. Nothing brings down productivity more than an exhausted employee.


Productivity and the employee should go hand in hand, I mean they almost even rhyme. But without proper planning and attention to how or why an employee even works is why most productive is lost to a company and the company doesn’t even know why.

Try bringing up your productivity to your office today, tomorrow, and the very next day to bring the best results you can to your career.
