The Best Time To Invest In Real Estate Was 20 Years Ago. Or NOW!
Monday, September 30
When it comes to your money, you're either spending, saving, giving or investing. I know that many of my clients are doing all four, which is always wonderful to see. The last one, investing, is the one I want to focus on today. I talk a great deal about climbing out of financial holes, but somet...
IRS Scams Targeting Those Needing Tax Debt Help
Monday, September 30
You probably already know this. If you've ever faced the pain of climbing out of the hole of an IRS debt, then you also realize that you get on all of the databases for debt consolidation and an abundance of over-aggressive marketing companies who want to take advantage of your pain. Unlike them,...
Four Non-Bank Options for Small Business Financing
Monday, September 30
When many people start a business, they do so using their own resources and funds. And there can be great wisdom to this ... retaining control, a more lucrative exit, etc. But it also puts your own personal resources on the line, and there are greater risks, as well as possibly a slower build to ...
The Advantage A C-Corporation Holds For Business
Monday, September 23
Now that 2018 extended returns for businesses are truly put to bed now, we can turn our gimlet eye on 2019. And one thing that might be worth discussing is your operating entity. A quick rundown on business structures is never bad, ESPECIALLY when tax laws change and affect business owners' perso...
Preserving Your DIGITAL Esatate
Monday, September 23
Technology has certainly shifted our society over the last 15 to 20 years. So much so, that it's time we discuss estate planning with a technological twist. Before we get there though, may I offer you this important reminder: the only "magic" we can do on a tax return is a "reaction" to what is b...
What's A Business Owner For, Anyway?
Monday, September 16
We just finished all of the extended returns for our business owner clients, and today I'm feeling particularly grateful. Because over the past few weeks and months, I've been reminded of how important our work is. Not because "taxes and accounting" are inherently noble -- but rather that we get ...