Are You Sabotaging Yourself By Asking For Favors?
Monday, June 17
I've noticed something over the years about particular businesspeople.Scratch beneath the seemingly successful exterior, and there is something very ... small about them. They are always looking for that edge over other people and are continually in "take" mode.And the smallness of their world AL...
The MOST Important Asset
Monday, June 10
As your business grows, there's an underlying asset which propels your growth: your people.Now, for some of my clients, "people" mean, well ... you. But even in that case, what I have to say today will still matter.Because what I'm talking about today matters just as much for YOU. We're talking c...
It Comes Down To The Stories You Are Telling
Tuesday, June 04
Here we are in June (!), and I'll open this here with a reminder to many of my business owner friends (because most of you have to deal with this): estimated taxes for the second quarter are due June 15th.This one always feels as if it came a little quick (two-month gap instead of the normal thre...
Extending Credit, The Slippery Slope
Monday, May 27
Before I get into the slippery slope I'm referring to in the title of this post, how are things for you these days? How's business going?I'd love to hear an update on your business ... so click the email button in the upper-right of the site here, and send me a note to let me know.I'd also enjoy ...
Mapping Your Prospects Expereince
Monday, May 20
Hopefully, you aren't too locked into national news, stock market jitters, trade wars, etc. As a Salt Lake County business owner you've gotta keep your head in your own particular game.But you must know this: with all the gloom out there, our mutual customers are looking for solace and for ports ...
Business Intelligence You Don't Know That You Need For Your Company
Monday, May 20
Poll Right. You might think that was a typo in the subject line ("pull", right?). Nope, that's just me being clever, because today I'm talking about POLLING your various stakeholders for fun and profit.Alright, yes. I should clearly stick to financial matters, and leave the puns to the creative ...