The Best Kind of Leaders Do This
Here's a truth that some entrepreneur-types HATE to acknowledge: uptight accountants are a useful bunch.
One of the things we really like, btw, is getting AHEAD of the game for our business clients.
Which, regardless of your entity structure, means that I'd like to first inspire you towards communicating with your accountant, as soon as possible about your taxes.
Why? Well, there are many good reasons to get in early.
- Get your (potential) refund sooner
- Peace-of-mind to get the paperwork monkey off your back
- Get ahead of the fraudsters
- Make any plans to get any amount owed handled without being in scramble-mode
- Get a jump on using the entire 2020 calendar year for effective tax planning (to save even MORE next year)
- Get a good spot on their calendar before it gets full!
That's a bunch of good reasons.
So help assuage my uptighted-ness and let's get your stuff handled as soon as possible.
But there's another area to which I'd like to extend my energies a little towards you.
You see, I'm going to be a little strong today, and I hope you'll forgive me in advance.
I suppose the subject would be consistent with the traits which make for success in my chosen profession, how I like to run my business, and my particular tendencies. However, that doesn't mean this is any less true.
Because I've noticed a disturbing trend for small business owners these days. I don't know if it's because of the skyrocketing demands on our attention or exactly what is the possible explanation for it, but it's a surefire way to allow your business to fail (notice my word choice there -- 'allow').
Enough introduction, read on for what I hope is a shot in the arm of inspiration and, perhaps, a healthy challenge...
The Best Kind of Leaders Do This
by Janet Behm
"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones." - John Lennon
Perhaps it's not at all surprising that today's manager is pulled in many directions -- and often does such a poor job.
It's the irony of the digital age -- we have so many tools at our disposal to "virtually" connect with one another, that the real work of connecting in person is becoming a lost art. Posting status updates, sending emails, texting -- we've forgotten how to work without the digital assistance.
And, ultimately, being a business manager is about actual interpersonal influence and leadership. When you're used to leading virtually, it's harder to lead in person.
Even worse, perhaps because of all of these distractions (or, perhaps because of a modern, misplaced desire to be liked) managers learn to ignore the "small things", because there are just so many to keep track of that it seems "uptight" to track them. But when you start relaxing standards in the small tasks of your business, your bottom line will eventually be the real victim.
I was watching a speech from a corporate training expert, Stephen Paskoff, and he told an illustrative story.
Starting his first "real" job as a part-time salesperson at a shoe store, he was told by his boss to show up for his first day wearing a dark suit and a white shirt. But since Paskoff owned only a heavy gray suit of wool, and when the day dawned hot and muggy, he decided to avoid sweating all day by wearing a dark-blue blazer and matching slacks.
He walked into the store and was immediately greeted by his boss with, "Where's your suit?" Paskoff replied, "It's hot, and this is just like a suit."
The boss told him, "I said a suit, not 'just like a suit.' Go home and come back in a suit if you have one. If not, forget it."
Paskoff went home, changed, and spent his first month of work at the shoe store sweating until he could afford a lighter-weight suit.
What's your response to that story? Do you think this is over the top? Perhaps you do -- but you'd also be missing the part where this boss got results. Do you think that Paskoff was inclined to slack off on other managerial expectations after such a response? No, much like the "Broken Window Theory" often cited by economists, when we actually sweat the small stuff -- and do it with the social grace of a caring leader -- everything changes.
I'm grateful for our chance to serve you and your business through these blog posts-- and we are dedicated to its success, in every measure.
BE THE ROAR not the echo®
Janet Behm