Results (3)
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regarding a new roof:
15 October 2010 | 10 replies
One contractor says he'll put on a new roof, 30 year dimensional shingles over existing roof for about $6000, using Tamco shingles (
Kyle J.
What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?
27 February 2021 | 126 replies
Just watched this fascinating and well-done story by CNBC on "What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?"
Now, I live and invest in California, so I'm definitely not a California hater. However, I'm also no California...
Ron Brady
Black couple’s home appraises for $500K more when white pal poses as owner
23 March 2023 | 83 replies
Black family sued appraiser in Marin, CA matter. From the article, "The case has now been settled out of court, with appraiser agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum of money to the coup...